Writing preschool IEP goals and objectives can be one of the most challenging parts of a special education teacher's job. And then there is the data collection piece. So hard to figure out if the goal isn't written measurable or understandable!
I'm telling ya, the first step to an easy progress report from your data collection sheets is to have a solidly written IEP goal to start with!
Here are a few not-so-new ideas; maybe just some good reminders that we all need!
Do you struggle with the time-consuming task of writing IEP goals for your Preschool Special Education students? Or finding the correct wording to create specific, meaningful goals to meet the needs of your early intervention and Pre-K students? This resource is perfect for busy teachers looking to save time and simplify the task of writing IEP goals.
One of the things I have enjoyed doing over the years is helping staff create really solid IEP goals, goals that can be picked up by anyone, understood, and used to teach the student. Sometimes easier said than done! Writing an effective goal is a bit of a delicate dance. Here are some lessons I've learned, using the S.M.A.R.T model. Remember that your district's requirements about the structure of the goal may vary, and, as always, INDIVIDUALIZE your goals to your student. If you have or use a goal bank of some kind, please please please make sure you use it for ideas only, and that you truly design each goal for the unique student under your care.
S = Specific THE WHAT
Don't be Mr/Ms Loosey Goosey. Make sure that your goal is clear, concise, and can be read by anyone and understood what the student is expected to do. What is the set up, the environment? What are the materials? How will they be presented? What is the expected response?
Make sure the goal passes the "Dead Man's Test." If a Dead Man can do it, then it's not behavior. Write what you want the student to DO. Instead of "doesn't call out," use "raises hand to answer a question." Instead of "is quiet during circle time," use "orients body towards speaker and follows group directions," instead of "doesn't scream during timed tests," use "asks for more time." You get the idea.
In the second example, it doesn't define what items will be in the array, and it doesn't tell me what the actual adjective targets will be. With this goal, I could teach the student only colors, and they could make mastery just knowing colors as an adjective.
M = Measurable THE FROM AND TO
Making the goal measurable is more than just adding "80%" to the end of the goal. It's thinking about that specific goal and that specific student and decide HOW will be the best way to measure if we are seeing objective progress. I have seen goals like, "will increase receptive language by 80%" (seriously, I saw that) and "will make good choices for 80%" (also for real). Lots of 80%. But think about that percentage, even. If I give a student one opportunity to perform a skill, and they complete it, that's 100%, and if they don't, it's 0%.
Also, ask yourself, "If I gave this goal to someone new and asked them to take data on the skill as defined, could they easily do it? Would it make sense?"
In the second example, I have no idea how to measure 80%. 80% of the time the student plays? 80% of the opportunities the student has? 80% of the toys they choose?
A = Attainable THE HOW
Here, we want to see goals that make sense for that student to achieve in the time allotted. Is it a goal that is going to take a year to achieve (most IEP goal dates)? Is it too easy? Too hard? You don't want to just choose a goal that you know "most" kids that age should be able to do. Really think that THIS student, and, knowing their skill set and potential, what is an appropriate aim for them in a year's time?
In this example, think if the student does not yet know any letters and is showing slow progress to learn them receptively. While knowing ALL the letters by the end of the year might be appropriate for that age group, maybe it's not in the cards for this student at this time. Maybe you choose to focus on the letters in his/her name because those will be the most meaningful.
R = Reasonable or Relevant or Realistic THE WHY
I've seen "R" mean any one of these terms, but they all ready intend to mean the same thing. Is the goal socially-validated and appropriate for this learner, in this situation, with the environment they are in. I wouldn't write a shape sorter goal for a high school student, even if their skill set was at that level. I would think about what appropriate but similar skills could we teach. Put a key in a door? Unlocking a school combination lock? Sorting silverware?
In this example, I'm thinking of a toddler or preschooler. You may want and allow an older student to use an unfamiliar restroom alone, but I certainly wouldn't send my preschooler into an unfamiliar restroom alone. If I go in with them, I'd like to see they can perform all the skills independently, but I definitely want to be there with them.
T = Time-based THE WHEN
Most of the time, when writing an IEP goal, you'll have the annual date on there. That certainly fills the time requirement. But there are other things to consider. How will you break down the annual goal into smaller objectives so that you are sure you are making progress? Even if we don't have to include written objectives in the IEP, we should still be watching those smaller "targets" so that we do, in fact, hit our aim at the end of the year's time.
In addition, I've written IEPs where I did break up the year due to new circumstances. For example, a student going from preschool to Kindergarten. The setting in preschool may allow for a certain environment that won't be the same once they go to Kindergarten. We have to really think about the whole child and what goals will be best suited to their unique circumstances at the time.
So just some thoughts on IEP goals as we completed this very weird year and look forward to the next. Hang in there, teachers! We will make it!
If you're looking for some ideas on data collection, check out some of these ideas:
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